Here is the link to the new, great, rolling stone article on climate change. Go read that. Then come back here.
Okay, welcome back.
So this blog has been about guiding. But I've been guiding a lot more than I have been writing this blog. And it is time for me to step back from guiding. Furthermore, it is time for a lot of us to step back from guiding.
2012 was The Year Of Low Water. It was a season that was going to be a slog and that is something we all knew from the beginning. It was hot. There were F-U upstream winds. The rapids disappeared, and with it, a lot of the fun. Everything seemed to turn into heat stroke, short tempers, long rowing days and depressed, micro- managing burn out trip leaders. Working 5 am to 11 pm 5 days a week. Driving across the state on your day off. Then rigging the next trip on your other day off. Maybe one real day off every or every other week. And then you're back. Back at this coal mine of a company town. Back with no autonomy, living in the parking lot of your bosses' house. No personal space. No library. No coffee shop. No where to write. And absolutely no dating. No hugs. No kisses. No "I love you's". No potential. Months of the heat, and the toil, and a fuse that's cooked through, burning out completely towards its own, inevitable, disintegration.